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By Syls
#131375 Hello, I am currently a staff member on one of the biggest Pixelmon French server: “Pixelmon-France”.
We are looking for some help about a problem; we’d like to satisfy our players about that thing. Indeed, this is a multi-server interface, so when players go to another server (for example: pixelmon to ressources) their pokemons aren’t the same anymore (that makes sense).
But we’d like pokemons to remain the same ones on every server of Pixelmon-France. With our developers, we already tried to create a simple plugin to copy-paste data players between the different servers. But this system provoked some mixtures between the pokemons or duplications.
Do you have any solution for the entire French community in love with the Mod to be completely satisfied thanks to that inter-server link between pokemons? Thank you.

By Syls
#131377 Yes :/ : ''With our developers, we already tried to create a simple plugin to copy-paste data players between the different servers. But this system provoked some mixtures between the pokemons or duplications. ''