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By EvilDusk
#131082 Hello everyone, requesting some help here. Would someone kindly guide me on how to update my 1.6.4 server with MCPC+ and keep the world as it is with any changed? I'm afraid of something going wrong.


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By MoeBoy76
#131084 it's impossible to keep pixelmon items and blocks, so everyone will lose their pokeballs, TMs, Trade Machines, Healers, etc due to forge now automatically assigning IDs on server start and the fact that the method that pixelmon used to register blocks was removed so none of them can be saved at all
However pixelmon themselves are retained
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#131130 your options are.. deal with it, or reset the map entirly so you dont deal with as much bitching as you normally would
By riley2193
#131454 I got this silly idea to add a command section that tell your pokemon what to do when there not in battle and outside of there pokèball loom ands like stay, wander,and follow cause is pretty annoying that your pokemon only follow you when they are out side of this pokèball