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By Cambo
#129214 I need a hosting company to start up my future pixelmon server and I need a reliable one that can get the job done,has a very easy navigation and isn't too much expensive.

Anyone have any recommendations?

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By JamieS1211
#129217 It depends on what you are looking for depending on how large the server will be. If you want a normal multicraft server I have no suggestions but would warn that in my opinion, thease servers are usually flimsy and badly run in some way. Next you can look for a linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) in this case you can go with any hosting company that supports VPSs and you should base your choice on the location of data centres that the VPS main boxs are run. Finally you can go full dedicated. In this case I would suggest the company called SoYouStart. They are partners with OVH however are cheaper and run equally as well.