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By LionChild
#125487 Is there a way for a blazikien to learn hi jump kick? The move is pretty boss and Blazikien is pretty epic and I would like to see the 2 together. Now I know that blazikien is able to learn Hi Jump Kick through the move relearner in his game, but here in pixelmon is there a way to make him learn it?

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By Some Body
#125488 Unfortunately, the lack of a move relearner means that Blaziken can't learn High Jump Kick normally. If you are playing normally, Sky Uppercut/Brick Break are your only options.

If you are allowed to, a Blaziken spawned in with pokegive/pokespawn or a Pixelmon Spawner will have a chance of having Hi Jump Kick. NBTEdit can also change movesets.
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By MoeBoy76
#125515 the move relearner is a feature of the games so yes, it will be added in the future