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By Brojman
#123030 Hello, Im the owner of Pixelmon Obsidian Online. For the past 10 months I have been working on a Pixelmon RPG server in my spare time. My goal is to make a server that plays like a classic RPG. Im aiming at an adventure that will take around 30-40 hours to complete. I am currently looking for knowledgeable and dedicated people to help me finish this.

What I'm looking for:
- People with extensive knowledge of CustomNPCs
- Knowledge of how Pixelmon spawners work
- Creative writers for dialog
- Builders to help flesh out some of the empty parts of the map
- MUST be at least 15 and be able to use TeamSpeak
- Must be an active player
- Be ok with working with complex systems(the quest, dialog, and spawning systems are complex)

If this seems like something you would like to be a part of, then please get a hold of me.