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#122713 he was never added, hard to remove what we didnt add
its made though, but i wont allow him to be added
By 1stAviansie
#123226 It's clear that SPG has gotten drunk with power. We should all band together and raid the pitch fork store then meet iutside SPG's house in 6 hours
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By MoeBoy76
1stAviansie wrote:It's clear that SPG has gotten drunk with power. We should all band together and raid the pitch fork store then meet iutside SPG's house in 6 hours

no, he has very good reason not to have it added yet
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By MoeBoy76
#123239 lugia will be added when whatever idea for a legendary event is added and the other required pokemon are modelled (i'm assuming that it will require suicune to be finished)
By Mikiflyr
#123240 You think he doesn't have a reason? Come on. Do you need to know every little detail about what goes on? How will that help you...?

Do what I do and just wait patiently. Lugia will come at some point in time.