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By Avierh
#122655 Hello, I'm relatively new to the Pixelmon mod.

Anyway, i don't know if this is how it is suppose to be or if I have to edit some settings, but I recently installed Pixelmon and everything has been going great, however I seem to noticed something that puzzled me. All the Pokemon that I see are about level 49 and under, I don't see any Pokemon at levels 50+. Is it suppose to be like that or is something wrong?

Also, I have yet to see any legendaries spawn, if they did then the text did not point it out. I installed it at the being of the week and have been playing it for quite awhile, so I would've thought I'd have seen if a legendary spawned yet. I haven't touch any settings or anything, so I'm just curious as to why they don't seem to be spawning. I can spawn them in using the spawner, so I know that they can be spawned in.

Any clarification on these matters would be helpful, thank you.

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By Some Body
#122656 Each Pokémon has an individual level range in the wild, and I believe none (or very few) exceed 50. There's nothing wrong with this.

Legendaries are very rare (1/15000 Pokémon by default, can be changed in the Pixelmon config file). The legendaries that do spawn in the typical manner (Mew/Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza) all spawn in specific biomes at specific times of day. The other legendaries are obtained through special methods. Pixelmon has a wiki (top-right of the page) if you need information on them.
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By Some Body
#122661 Figured I was missing something, but 59 is as high as they go (except legendaries).

Edit: Nope, Volcarona goes up to 64. I believe that is the limit.
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By SireSolo
#122664 The only way around that is by either: A) typing in "/pokespawn (pokemon name) (number)lvl" for a certain pokemon spawning at a certain level, or B) using the customized pixelmon spawners, type in all the pokemon you want to spawn, at what range distance and what level range... There are some customized maps out there, that already have this in play, and will gradually spawn in (a good map) from low levels, until you progress and they will get to higher levels (or at least the good maps will)...