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By bobbanana09
#118739 Hello, I recently sent an important message to an admin and it says it is in the outbox... Has it sent?

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#118742 honestly, i have no idea why the outbox exists, but if that admin was me, I didnt get it, if it was Isi Mr. M or Rados, they may have ignored it, I don't know
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By bobbanana09
#118744 It was shadow
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By bobbanana09
#118748 I know, you're a fourm mod :P
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By bobbanana09
#118757 I got mixed up on the colors... My bad.
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#118788 thats actually my fault, im and admin but im green because i like it more, if you look at my profill I have an SPG rank which gives me a green rank
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By MrMasochism
#118799 I can fix that if you like spg. I'll just make you a mod and remove your other ranks so there's no more confusion...