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By GabeTheGabe
#118397 Pikachu should be a starter!

Why? Pikachu is a starter in Pokémon Ash Gray Version. It is an official Pokémon game, which means Pikachu is a starter. Another example is Pokémon Yellow Version, in which Pikachu is also a starter. It would be awesome if you guys made Pikachu a starter!


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By Rados
GabeTheGabe wrote:Pikachu should be a starter!

Why? Pikachu is a starter in Pokémon Ash Gray Version. It is an official Pokémon game, which means Pikachu is a starter. Another example is Pokémon Yellow Version, in which Pikachu is also a starter. It would be awesome if you guys made Pikachu a starter!


First of all, Pokémon Ash Gray isn't an official pokémon game, its a rom hack. And Pikachu isn't really considered a starter, because you can find it in pretty much any pokémon game easily, and it doesn't make sense to have a second stage evolution as a starter anyway.
By Airth
#118409 if you real.y want him to be you can edit the starters in the configs
By ermluca
GabeTheGabe wrote:Pikachu should be a starter!

Why? Pikachu is a starter in Pokémon Ash Gray Version. It is an official Pokémon game, which means Pikachu is a starter. Another example is Pokémon Yellow Version, in which Pikachu is also a starter. It would be awesome if you guys made Pikachu a starter!


If you really want him as a starter, edit the config. Problem solved.
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By Vctr
#118682 LoL at this thread.

Ash grey is a rom hack. ( Its a pokemon version made by fans).

Pikachu shouldnt be astarter because its a common pokemon and also Pikachu SHOULDN´T be a starter, it should be pichu, so you can have 3 evolutions, like the other starters.

You can actually configure it so you get to choose pikachu as an starter.

In my opinion i would rather have evee than pikachu as an starter, you can choose any type for it, so its like the perfect one.
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By Lunos
GabeTheGabe wrote:Sorreh doodz! Shoulda gotten my facts straight. It would be cool to have Pichu as a starter though. I'm pretty sure Pokémon Yellow Version is an official game.

Pokemon Yellow is an official game
Pokemon Ash Grey isn't
Also and like others said: you can configure the pixelmon.cfg file to make Pichu a starter pokemon, problem solved.
