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By happypyro
#114630 Does anyone else remember lava plume being 120 power? Because my Magmortar learned it today and it only had a base power of 80.

#114633 nope, not according to the almighty fountain of knowledge(Bulbapedia.)
By happypyro
AZTERIX_ wrote:nope, not according to the almighty fountain of knowledge(Bulbapedia.)

And yet I could have sworn it was 120 power until recently even in bulbapedia, I'll have to play my platinum nuzlocke and see what the power of lava plume is on magmortar there.
By happypyro
#114655 Strange, it's 80 power in my platinum too, but I remember not getting flamethrower because lava plume was better... The only explanation is I've been dropped in an alternate dimension that is near identical in ever aspect except that lava plume is 80 power instead of 120.
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By shadoowner
#114684 As far as I remember, it has always been 80