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By happypyro
n10si t wrote:Not sure if I'm just stupid and can't figure it out, but evolving eevee into glaceon next to icy rock doesn't work. Haven't tested with a mossy rock though.

Neither work

By happypyro
MrMasochism wrote:They work fine except on an mcpc server due to a bug that they are fixing in their code

Now here's the issue, I'm getting it in singleplayer
By happypyro
Draegon1993 wrote:how close to the rock were you, if I remember correctly it needs to be within 10 blocks.

Right next to it
By Vizzerdrixxx
#113423 I'd like to see out of combat moves worked, myself. It'd be nice to get milk drink working at least, or ad-hoc it so milk buckets function the same as potions, but only out of combat.
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By Some Body
#113432 In the games, the out-of-combat Milk Drink heals the recipient of the move at the expense of the user's HP; it doesn't create HP out of thin air.