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By kajowwojak
#112712 Hello! I'm kinda new to Pixelmon (only been playing since 3.0) and I just happened to notice that two pokemon in particular seem offensively rare.

They are Chansey, and eggsecute. Set up my base near a Plains Biome, and for IRL days, i've been hunting a chansey, and I can't seem to find one. Like, period. I know it's Plains in the Day time, but beyond that, they're gone. Not a single one.

Then there's Eggsecute. Jungle at dusk. I suppose my first question is: What qualifies as Dusk? is it just whenever the sun is setting and there's red in the sky? Is it sun set to sunrise (Extended night, if you would) what? I've found 2 eggsecute. When I found them, they were fighting, one killed the other, and I accidentally killed the first on accident and haven't found another sense.

The server I'm on disallows spawning, so I can't just do that.

Are there other conditions for the spawning of these pokemon? am I just doing it wrong? Any advice would be helpful.

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By Some Body
#112713 Chansey is meant to be very rare. Just keep looking.

Dusk is sunset. It may also include sunrise, but I've not looked into that just yet.
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By Aichu
#112767 There's alot pokemon that is hard to find like: Lickitung , legendarys and starters.
Dont give up and you may find one of them atleast.
By kajowwojak
#112806 I've found like 50 Lickitongue, a bunch of Farfeched, at least 10 of each starter...

Also: Do exeggucte have any funky spawn conditions (Only spawn at a certain altitude in jungles, for example?)


Either way, if it's really that "Yeah, they're just that rare" There's nothing I guess I can do about it.
#113659 remember genesect and the legend awakened, Ash's pokedex aka "Dex" says chansey is a rare pokemon when they see her/him.