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By Vikerus
#111664 [center]Many of you don't know about this but Pixelmonmod has a steam group and we would love you to join it![/center]


Steam is great way to keep in contact with other players and server owners across many different games. Join and introduce your friends to the group and Pixelmon! Next time you play you can let them know instantly through steam :D An easy way to invite your buddies is to invite your steam friends list to the group, the more the merrier. Hope everyone is enjoying the new additions to Pixelmon 3.0.

#117220 mm, Kiwi.. U aren't a mod. Also Vikerus just friendly suggesting you note it is not official ˆ_ˆ
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By IceMan8030
AZTERIX_ wrote:mm, Kiwi.. U aren't a mod. Also Vikerus just friendly suggesting you note it is not official ˆ_ˆ

Being a mod has absolutely nothing do with the steam group it is simply a cool way for Pixelmon players to get in touch with each other or play other games together. Pixelmon has grown in to a rather large community and seeing things like this pop up is pretty cool and makes me even more glad I am part of a wonderful team and Pixelmon family. Secondly it doesnt say anything about being anything Official nor does it need to.