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By Flashback083
#110297 Hello, i love this mod and i want know if it's possible to translate this mod (for example : attack of pokemon), i am french and 18 years old and i have a server, so i want for my player to be easier to play (sorry if it's bad english ^^').
If it's possible to change in a file the name of pokemon, attack etc...or not. Even if it's french person can do it.
I know that is not easy ^^'

Thx to reply :p and still sorry for my language , i hope you understand ^^

By TheNew4
#110304 That is a very understanding request and a cool one as well, but I believe that would take time to work on. Especially when Pixelmon staff are working hard on just this update, hopefully in the near future they would consider doing that, and other languages as well. Just my thought on it.