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By Nobles
#109621 Im REALLY new to this mod still. playing on a private server with some friends. and i went wandering....and all the sudden outa nowhere i have Night vission buff with 0:00 seconds left but its not going away. do some pokemon have passive powers?

By The_Gameing_Cake
#109634 Not that I know, but you can remove the night vision by drinking a milk bucket. It was probably a friend that did /effect and gave you night vision.
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By Nobles
#109636 i was the only person on. it just kinda randomly came on. maybe its just a bug. thx
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By Nobles
#109655 I FIGURED IT OUT its a bug, i just duplcated it. when you are on a pokemon that can swim (the first time it was my Gyarados) and go under water you get night vision. well i did it with my new Dewgong and slowly came above the water. it didnt get removed so i just have perma night vision.
By Copy Cat Master
#109701 Yes, it a bug. Most of the people know about it, though.