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By victorpower
#103293 First things first: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ADDING THE SNIVY SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seconds thing second: I am sorry but I am a bit disappointed with the serpirior model(I mean like seriously, you made Serpirior the pokemon that I most love look like a green cubed snake). Serpirior is my favourite pokemon but it looks very rough and ugly compared to emboar and samerot in the trailer you guys made. I was hoping you guys could re-model it please.

If you guys do not take tips as a offense please read the following: Serpirior is a powerfull and royal pokemon. I should like majestic (I am not a Sky fan but this word is perfect) and proud. Also look at a picture of Serpirior.

By wei12309
#103313 They're usually not the ones who make the models, the models are submitted by users. It would be really inefficient for them to work on both the mod and the models so as spg says, if you want a new model go make it yourself or just wait until someone decides they can make a better model.
By Copy Cat Master
#103331 You know, I am not trying to be mean here but it not easy to make a model and it take time to make one, though. Just appreciate it and be glad that it added to the game. Nothing is perfect.
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#103353 if you want a better one, re-make it, be apart of the solution dont complain, with how karry models you arent going to get anything else, that is her style.
so again, want something better? make it yourself, simple as that