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By Copy Cat Master
#109262 My resource pack suggestion:

1- viewtopic.php?f=119&t=12346
2- viewtopic.php?f=119&t=12823

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By Some Body
#109817 TMI doesn't show crafting recipes; you are thinking of Not Enough Items, which is incompatible with Pixelmon. A substitute would be a mod like CraftGuide or just looking the recipes up on the wiki.
By Copy Cat Master
#109842 Just get CraftGuide instead. It do not have the annoying thingy pop up when you go to inventory and it can run with pixelmon very well.
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#110829 Alright, thank you all for you suggestions.

I think I have a complete mod list. I will post it in the original post once I get the pack up and running.

I will wait for Pixelmon 3.0 and then make the pack, let's hope everything works because I will have a lot more mods then I've intended.

Thank you again to anyone who has contributed to this thread.
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By shadoowner
#111335 Optifine and CNPCs work just fine as far as i know, using them never had too much trouble.
I d also recommend adding the sidemod PixelUtilities to that list ;)
here is their forum thread with further info.
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#111785 I report success! Well, by that I mean, Minecraft loads, I can create a world, all mods and items are present. May need to do some testing but looks like everything is working well.

You can find the list of mods that I'm using in the pack in my orignal post.

Here is a little picture. Mewtwo is clearly not amused by the turrets. :D
java 2014-02-18 23-07-25-58.jpg