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By MrMasochism
#102045 Yes though it may depend on the bird as to whether we enforce that or not (and how high they are flying)

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By SnowBlitzz
#102199 I'm just worried about the 1x1 towers players would make to reach a pokemon high above... nobody likes random 1x1 towers xD
And I dont understand what MrMasochism said lol
By Copy Cat Master
SnowBlitzz wrote:I'm just worried about the 1x1 towers players would make to reach a pokemon high above... nobody likes random 1x1 towers xD
And I dont understand what MrMasochism said lol

Read SPG post. It seems the bird pokemon will spawn on air instead on land.
By Cyclonit
#102217 He wasnt talking about towers on which pokémon would spawn, but about towers players would build to reach flying pokémon.
By Copy Cat Master
Cyclonit wrote:He wasnt talking about towers on which pokémon would spawn, but about towers players would build to reach flying pokémon.

I doubt it and will be waste of time to buld 1x1 tower to reach the flying pokemon because they will fly and move around and it will be hard to fight them unless they force battle you.