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By pegguinni128
#110991 first legitimate shiny: slowbro. first server shiny: voltorb.
all the shinies ive caughten in pixelmon: weedle zubat slowbro mareep voltorb miltank and sandshrew.... mareep, voltorb, miltank, and sandshrew were found on servers, so pixelmon 3.0 will give me a shiny ampharos :D

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By Jond22
#111019 My first shiny was a Geodude I found on my friend's server. I caught it, and loved it. It actually disappeared because of a bug, so I didn't have it very long. But a golden Geodude was nice. I guess it kinda makes it better that I found a shiny Graveler in Pokemon Y. My first shiny ever was an Elekid back in Pokemon Crystal. It hatched from an egg, and I loved it all the way until the death of the internal battery.
By Pocketguy
#111025 Mine was a geodude and I was actually recording an episode for my youtube channel and after I ended the recording i went into a cave and there it was, all shiny and gold. It's funny because the first shiny i found in the wild in an actual game was a geodude too but i had no pokeballs :'(