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By Captain Russia
#96083 I'm simply curious as to what the donations help with. Does the Pixelmon team get paid, or need new equipment, or is it for something else...? I've been thinking of donating if I get the money, because I really enjoy the mod.

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By Pro_Malti
Captain Russia wrote:I'm simply curious as to what the donations help with. Does the Pixelmon team get paid, or need new equipment, or is it for something else...? I've been thinking of donating if I get the money, because I really enjoy the mod.

Well, Miss "Dibba" Russia, It's probably used to keep the website up and other services that the mod uses.

I'd say you should donate, I'm sure it helps the mod in anyway. ^^
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By MrMasochism
#96114 It's used for a range of things. We pay our base expenses and then we pay the devs and modellers for the great they've been doing and so they can continue to give time to the mod rather than have to get jobs to fill up their spare time