Will you do something with my clsoed texturepack project?

By Codzhe
Yaseen wrote:So do u and Vik want to create a complete Pixelmon texture pack?

It depends on what style of texture pack it will be.I would sign for a project like that, but he didn't said anything about working with me.I would probably do gui cause that is what i do best...

By Codzhe
#27070 Hi, i updated installation process it ins't a side mod yet it is a texturepack :D all you need to do is drop zip file to texturepacks folder and you are good to go, i also fixed arrow and black line in battle scene.
By Codzhe
Hypnose wrote:I love this!~ Now if only each box had a different texture. Although, I'm not sure if that's a possibility right now. :)

That would be cool, but it is impossible because as of now all boxes has the same textures (it is written in code to be the same) though i could change box texture to other one from fire red :D
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By Hypnose
#27921 Well, when you go into your inventory in creative mode the texture behind your pokemon is still that greyish-white color. Is there a reason for this? Just curious. :)