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By Kissera
#140887 Alright, so the hypothetical is this, I'm considering the stupidly long and arduous task of re-numbering every Pixelmon in Generation 1 to IDs 1 to 151. It wouldn't be the first time I had to go through the db and change every Pixelmon's move list to match those of Generation 1.

The question is, does Pixelmon care what the IDs are on a fundamental level, or does it consider what is Generation 1 entirely based on the NATIONALPOKEDEXNUMBER variable?

Also as I've said, I've already gone through the process of redoing every Pixelmon's list of moves to better match up accurate Poket Monsters Red/Green. After doing this, I had to do some funky crap with permissions to prevent Pixelmon from just rewriting the db to disk and overwriting my db (speaking of, is there a way to prevent this, or do I need to keep changing the db to read only?).

Thanks in advance to any insightful answers.

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By MrMasochism
#140911 Pixelmon doesn't care for a second what the ids are so why would you bother?
We built a system into the mod with the version coming out today which will let you put an external database in a separate folder and pixelmon will read that instead, so no overwriting will happen. I'll get JP to reply here to say how that works
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By JayPeaSize
#140927 Rather simplistic, go to your root server dir (where you see world, database, mods..etc.) create a new folder called "customdatabase" case sensitive, and stick the new Pixelmon2.h2.db in that folder. The mod will take care of the rest and use that database from then on. (Unless you delete it, etc. etc. you will have to update it from version to version with/because of our changes.)
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By JeanMarc
#141238 I just heard about this feature for databases, and I'm curious, if I put an incomplete database, because my only edits are in the TMs and HMs compatibility list, and more specifically I'm adding a lot of extra values in the database, would it work if I put a database if I just put a database file with only those edits in that folder? I doubt it, but better worth asking.
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By Kissera
#141261 On the topic of TM and HM, I changed all the TMs and HMs to match up with Gen 1. But then the TMs that aren't normal for Pixelmon show as TM #: *.name

Like the numeral is right, and it shows the name, but it suffixes them with .name which is weird. Is there a fix to this?
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By Isi
#141275 Not that this is going into clientside, placing a database after this work won't change anything on the client.
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By Kissera
Isi wrote:Not that this is going into clientside, placing a database after this work won't change anything on the client.

Oh I know, I had to use the customdatabase folder on both client and server-side, I couldn't even connect because of "fatally missing blocks and items" until I placed the custom db in the client side.

I've been mucking about with it on a level that it required the db on both sides, the only two things that have been odd to me were MoveEffects and the TM name thing.
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By JeanMarc
#141314 From what I noticed from my own personal database editing, the TM/HM list edits directly edit the items in the mod, which means that you're messing around with Item IDs, which means that the client also needs the changes.