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By Isi
#206299 Dynamax is just a size increase, we won't be allowing it outside of battle.
By proclarushtaonasat
#207127 I undertand, that dynamaxing outside of battle would probably be broken.

but it would still be cool to see your dynamaxed pokemon, cause the camera in battle is kinda... you know.

But what if there was a kind of ranch block, that is limited to 1 per player and can display 1 singular dyna/gigantamax pokemon?

And just like with the regular ranch block, there could be upgrades, like have the basic block limit the size of the pokemon displayed, so its only slightly larger, and by investing resources in upgrades on can eventually display it in its full size.
Add limits to how far away that block has to be from other blocks of its type, and require a flat surface with empty space above it to be activated

Or just limit the size of gigantamax pokemon outside of battle, so theyre only slightly larger than the average pokemon, and still functional. So you could ride around on a tauros sized G-max-Eevee model for example.