By LeagueofDevack
#188043 What about adding a "Rival" NPC that can randomly challenge you when you're out and about? As for him choosing his pokemon, you could have him choose from a specific "generation" of starter depending on the starter you chose. For example, if you chose Turtwig, he/she/it would choose Chimchar. There would also be some rules for this guy appearing, such as it cannot appear and challenge you if all your pokemon are knocked out.

In addition, what about adding the Elite 4 to the game as a sort of "endgame"? You could give them their own dimension (Roughly the size of the pre 1.9 End dimension) that had the Elite 4 building, four NPC trainers with stronger-than-gym-leader pokemon, and a Champion NPC (Possibly another use for the Rival NPC) with the strongest possible NPC pokemon (That you could only battle after beating the 4 Elite 4 NPCs). Accessing the dimension could be possible through an End-Portal-like structure that required x number of badge items from the Gym Leader NPCs.

This could be a fun little feature to add to enhance both single-player and multiplayer experiences in the mod, as honestly, it feels a little lackluster and no real sense of progression after a certain point.

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By MrMasochism
#188058 These sorts of things are extremely easy to do in a linear game experience but in an open world one like minecraft's they really don't work well. Best way to have this sort of thing is to create a custom map with custom npcs which gave you this full experience
By LeagueofDevack
#188078 The thing is, even Minecraft has its own form of endgame with the End dimension. Not to mention the fact that the Nether and the End themselves are barely used in the mod. Implementing at least the Elite 4 in the End would help utilize what is in essence wasted area.
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By SKyTheThunder
#188136 In the original games the Top 4 always exist within the same world as everything else - the main world. If you wanted to use the end for anything I'd rather say one of the other weird dimensions mentioned throughout the series...
In my opinion a league/elite 4 building might be worth considering once we get the gyms up and running - with enough content to get your 8 badges.