By Krhymez
#184896 Is there any way you can add an option for Battle requirements to battle NPC trainers using the NPC editor.

I would like to make gyms have a progression system and have each gym require the gym badge from before it. Thanks.

This would make it possible to make a map similar to the pokemon games since it can force progression.

Also would there be anyway to make it so you can only use pixelmon with a "max" level to battle them, that can be edited to the map makers choice.

This feature could also be enabled for all NPC. This way it would be possible to make quests. Lets say the Shopkeep needs "X amout of X item", and they give you a reward for doing it. Or a chatting NPC needs string and he pays you when you bring it to him.
I think you get the idea.

I would really like to see this implemented.

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By TheSaw725
#186443 I am currently trying to make an adventure map that is similar to the pokemon games, so I think that this would be very useful. I could most likely get around this normally, but I would like to make the map multiplayer compatible. I wouldn't want somebody to run into their rival before they are supposed to.