Forum rules: 
  • Do not post servers with hacked versions of Pixelmon, Technic modpacks, or cracked Minecraft. Your post will be removed and you will be banned.
  • Bumping a topic without meaningful discussion should be limited to once every 7 days.
  • Don't make a general post where you ask to be an operator/leader. If you want to be one, make an application on the server where you want to be one.
  • If you make a post about your server, don't give it a generic name like 'new server' or 'Pixelmon server'. We'll ask you to change it or remove it entirely.
  • Don't attempt to hire any server staff here. Use the Looking for Staff forum instead.
  • Don't use caps lock. The only attention it'll get you is that of the forum moderators.
  • Don't make more than one post about the same server. Players will join, so don't advertise it on a lot of posts.
  • If you want your topic removed, put 'remove this topic' in your title so we can see.
  • No advertising on other servers.
  • No advertising 3rd party services.
  • Stick to the rules, and have fun playing!

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By Vikerus2
#243761 Server IP:
Testing the new 1.21.1 Minecraft Forge:
User avatar
By Vikerus2
#244055 happy halloween!
Vikerus2 wrote:-----Pixelmon Survival!- The Ever-After-----
Connect to The Server at IP:
Connect with us on Discord!:
Easy way to get Pixelmon and Join:, grab version 1.20.1!
Reforged Pixelmon - Version 1.20.1:

Major Updates:


Pixelmon: Hunt for special pokemon and get rewarded for it! Train a whole team or fill your pc with every pokemon you can find. There are gyms to find and battle all over the map, including 8 custom cities with 8 special badges which are run by players and npcs for ease.

Join Twitter:

Please Click our Banner and leave a vote on the voting sites <3

Leave a reply with this questionnaire filled out and we will read it as soon as possible! Look for the answer in this thread!
When someone needs help you rush over and proceed to help them.

InGameName :
Age : (Optional)
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How long have you played Pixelmon? :
Rate your typing skill 1-10 :
Have you ever been banned on Justiscraft? :
How long have you played here at Justiscraft? :
Why should you be considered for Staff? :

Justiscraft - Same great map, look for us on google!

The IP is
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By Vikerus2


Everyone and age is welcome here at our minecraft server where together we can build a community for creation of all sorts of fun, be it lets plays or competitive pokemon competitions. The detail and care put into the map will make your heart melt and thoughts soar as you embark on a journey into the game minecraft and pixelmon. Going outside the first 8 cities allows players to play survival as it's meant to be while adventure progresses untouched in the spawn protections.