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By red0fireus
#185677 Created: 9/6/2016
Updated: 9/6/2016
Version: Pixelmon 3.5.1
Language: English
Region: North America
Breeding Enabled, Keep Inventory, Riding Enabled, Legendary Spawning, Gyms, Player Gyms, Events, EV/IV Training


After a long break, I finally feel refreshed and ready to start working on a server again. I will be re-opening Windingmon which is exciting for me and whoever from the community wants to try it out. I hope that the server does well just like last time and I hope it can succeed and be a place where fighting between staff is at a low and gameplay is enjoyable. This server will probably be my last server I ever make because school is getting tougher and I'm beginning to get a Social life lol. I do enjoy working on servers, and I will continue doing that and helping people who need it, but I won't be running any more servers after this one.

We will be hiring staff as soon as I get the server ready and I feel like it's out of beta/alpha stages. The staff ranks will include the basics, and then some ranks that I like on the ranking board so others can feel special/important just like the staff (I have not decided on the particular positions yet).

~ red0fireus

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By whackedenforce
#185723 Good server and good owner. From most new pixelmon servers this one stands out and for only being in its Alpha/Beta stages. Below are some perks.

-Custom Generated Map. Very pretty and goes well with Pixelmon. Custom gened houses too which make starting a base 10x easier.
-Open ideas for future plans.
-Good plugins to keep it fresh and everything is customly configured so it does not feel like a copy paste from most servers.
-Harder material gathering. Mining is a bit tougher but that is what keeps it interesting as you gotta spend more then 5 hours to get built up. Semi hardcore. But, you can find emeralds in any biome while mining which helps.
-Fair non P2W donation system with a sub plan which insures the server stays going enough people sub.


-Still in Beta expect bugs and a few features that feel like they are missing.
-No gyms yet.
-Like I said above it is kinda hardcore. If you don't like grind may be a bit much.


This server is amazing and the owner from talk has awesome plans. For being in what he calls a beta state I can only imagine this server will boost up quickly once released. I would say if you want that early rush to join in now while in beta as you can help shape the server a bit. But overall I give this server a 9/10 for its state atm and it is one I will be playing on for more then a week.