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By Cookiecoma
#162764 This server is terrible. There is barely any infrastructure, the system of purchasing pokeballs is highly inefficient and players get banned and muted for rules that aren't even displayed on the server or, as SilverSidiel told me "she muted you because you annoyed her - she can do that". The servers have corrupt authority that are nothing but megalomaniacs and are really just rude.
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By CiaraMist
#162765 Wasn't because I was annoyed. it was because you believed it was okay to argue and act like it was right to steal something. you went out of your way to prove this. Server had been restarted i guess the rules that were suppose to be here weren't. So on that simple fact you decided to provoke and go on i mean it's alright unless it's done to you correct? I mean if you were to stolen from you wouldn't want nothing done about it. Other People would have banned you i just gave you both a time out. basically a slap on the wrist which you're having a full on tantrum about.
By Cookiecoma
#162766 Oh okay so now you're a parent are you? You muted me because I argued with you because you were harping on a nine year old, going "ooh maybe I should ban you, I don't know if you put it all back" he told you he put it all back, you didn't believe him and I told backed him up and you muted me. Nice to see the censorship on your server with your one sided arguments and unfair punishments.
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By Sidiel
#162767 I didn't say she muted you because you annoyed her, I said being annoyed may have been why. I didn't see most of the conversation just before she muted you so I just put out a random reason, not thinking you'd take it to mean that was actually why. I suppose I didn't spell out what I meant to say properly. I apologize for the misunderstanding. If you didn't understand why she muted you and wanted to find out you should have asked her, and in a civil manner.

I can understand being angry that you're being punished for breaking a rule you didn't know about. But no matter the situation, immediately blowing up at someone is never the best response. Asking someone to put back items they stole is reasonable, and so is being unsure whether they've actually done it. It's not unheard of for a player who's been caught stealing to only put some things back, correctly assuming that we can't tell. Immediately getting angry at the mods and calling us corrupt will not fix the situation.

Backing someone up is not a crime. But the way you went about doing it was less than civil.
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By MoeBoy76
Cookiecoma wrote:This server is terrible. There is barely any infrastructure, the system of purchasing pokeballs is highly inefficient and players get banned and muted for rules that aren't even displayed on the server or, as SilverSidiel told me "she muted you because you annoyed her - she can do that". The servers have corrupt authority that are nothing but megalomaniacs and are really just rude.
Oh okay so now you're a parent are you? You muted me because I argued with you because you were harping on a nine year old, going "ooh maybe I should ban you, I don't know if you put it all back" he told you he put it all back, you didn't believe him and I told backed him up and you muted me. Nice to see the censorship on your server with your one sided arguments and unfair punishments.

Here i was trying to get some use out of our beta testing servers and trying to make a fun place for players where and thinking that theft, considering it is illegal in reality, would be something that people wouldn't do but clearly it isn't so instead i have a rule that anyone caught stealing automatically gets banned by staff.
Your problem seems to be that your friend stole and didn't get immediately banned so you decided to argue the point and were muted for it, which seems fair to me, so now you've decided to come and tell everyone how terrible the server is? this doesn't seem to be a very mature attitude to me so i won't mind if you don't come back until you decide to be nicer