Forum rules: 
  • Do not post servers with hacked versions of Pixelmon, Technic modpacks, or cracked Minecraft. Your post will be removed and you will be banned.
  • Bumping a topic without meaningful discussion should be limited to once every 7 days.
  • Don't make a general post where you ask to be an operator/leader. If you want to be one, make an application on the server where you want to be one.
  • If you make a post about your server, don't give it a generic name like 'new server' or 'Pixelmon server'. We'll ask you to change it or remove it entirely.
  • Don't attempt to hire any server staff here. Use the Looking for Staff forum instead.
  • Don't use caps lock. The only attention it'll get you is that of the forum moderators.
  • Don't make more than one post about the same server. Players will join, so don't advertise it on a lot of posts.
  • If you want your topic removed, put 'remove this topic' in your title so we can see.
  • No advertising on other servers.
  • No advertising 3rd party services.
  • Stick to the rules, and have fun playing!
By mcnoahbuddy
#142723 Hello everyone! We are DeltaPixel, a 24/7 close-knit community server dedicated to having fun and improving every day.

Currently, our map is the Hoenn region and we offer a fully operational player gym system. We host fun and creative events invented by our staff team, as well as old favourites that the whole server will enjoy. Our staff is quite knowledgeable and would be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for taking the time to check our server out, and we hope to see you online soon to start your exciting adventure with us!

Our IP is
Our website is
Our teamspeak is

Server Details:

Wilderness: On
Keep Inventory: On
Pokemon Riding: On
Grief Protection: On
Breeding: On
heres some pics of the towns




By CadetArlert
#142726 IP? Website? Adventure or Survival?
Settings (Hunger/NoHunger, KeepInv/NoKeepInv) Are also really helpful to know too.
Good buildings though.