By Quakthorn
Burgy wrote:Well, since players will be joining the HUB as default, it won't actually be much of a problem of Offline mode.
If you use IPList once we need it, because the HUB server will run in Online mode, it won't allow cracked users to get in game on any other servers.

Will players still be able to log on directly to my server or will IPlist prevent this?

Plus what is the IP for the Proxy server?

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By Burgy
#71351 Not unless you want cracked players joining.
And everything will be revealed tommorow.

And Quakthorn is resigning from the HUB.
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By Burgy
#71420 Setting the HUB up as we speak.
Set your connection throttle to "-1" and install IPList, now.
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By Css1234567890123
#71472 Hey burg, add me to joe's server, I am like ze second in command on it ;p this seems pretty cool, and a question. if a server needs donations but isn't getting them and another server has more than enough donations, would it be alright to share donations?
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By Burgy
#71473 Yeah sure,
HUB Is all set up. We just need to build a spawn ;p

And it's the lowest plan i could buy for the HUB so don't go out of the spawn area, please. Server pr'olly will, crash.
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By DutchKroket
#71539 I have to say;

This is a complete awesome idea! I might try to get HeartSilver in it when Lessy gets online.