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Can i join the discord server??

by azh2002ar ¦ 12 Feb 2019 04:46 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: Can i join the discord server?? ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 1726

i guess at some point i got kicked...but no one told me the reason why or anything or even for how long...but im sure it was like 2 years ago or even more

Can i join the discord server??

by azh2002ar ¦ 10 Feb 2019 07:22 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: Can i join the discord server?? ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 1726

i finally saw that pixelmon is making a comeback and im totally hyped but the discord thing doesnt work...can someone help me or invite me atleast??
here is my tag : polite ash v.2 #0343
and thanks

about the "saddest announcement"

by azh2002ar ¦ 14 Jul 2017 08:26 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: about the "saddest announcement" ¦ Replies: 18 ¦ Views: 20347

now after i read the announcement i didnt understand some points ,
is pixelmon will be down forever? and can we play pixelmon in other server?? an what is the time that pixelmon will be down

some pokedex upgrades

by azh2002ar ¦ 11 Jul 2017 10:24 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: some pokedex upgrades ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 1680

liek we know , pokedex gives to the player some information about the pokemons , but now these informations is not enough , like when you check a pokemon , pokedex gives you the name , number , and some stories about ir or whatever . but what if you add more stuff in pokedex , like spawn time, biome...

Chatot in shoulder

by azh2002ar ¦ 09 Jul 2017 07:27 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Chatot on shoulder ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 1506

i was going to suggest this feature , but not for chatot , but all pokemon who has got small size , like pikachu and others ......


by azh2002ar ¦ 07 Jul 2017 18:38 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Pokerus ¦ Replies: 6 ¦ Views: 3007

i just suggest this feature cuz i find it in original games thats it :P i didnt say that its INDEED to add it right now

about breeding environement

by azh2002ar ¦ 07 Jul 2017 16:03 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: about breeding environement ¦ Replies: 4 ¦ Views: 1841

so you mean i can place like 3 bocks verticaly in the same X-axis and Z-axis level ?
but if you dotn mind i can take some pictures to show you how, but idk how to post it here :/


by azh2002ar ¦ 07 Jul 2017 14:26 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Pokerus ¦ Replies: 6 ¦ Views: 3007

yeah it shouldn't be a side mod :-/ . like Detchy said , Pokerus is a feature in original pokemon games

about breeding environement

by azh2002ar ¦ 07 Jul 2017 14:22 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: about breeding environement ¦ Replies: 4 ¦ Views: 1841

i mean , cakes and mob heads and rails and other stuff (not blocks), should we place them in teh same level liek normal blocks or on a block ,i hope you can get the point

about breeding environement

by azh2002ar ¦ 07 Jul 2017 10:30 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: about breeding environement ¦ Replies: 4 ¦ Views: 1841

there is some blocks i dont know how to place it while breeding :/ ,
like cakes and mob heads flower pot and carpet , so im not sure if i have to place them like normal blocks or on a block , so i hope you can add some pictures in pixelmon wiki to explain the placing way more and thank