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By TheBantersaurus
#197084 I want to make an easter egg scavenger event thing but theres an issue. When I make a custom pokeloot, people can reuse it unlimitedly even when I set it to 1 use.
I think this is to do with a claim flag from grief prevention. which flag should I be looking at because I haven't got a clue what the pokeloots would come under

a not-very-bright person

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By TheBantersaurus
#197089 How do I do that? I want to put custom loot in but sneak/clicking just makes me use the loot. or am i misinterpreting the wiki? xD happens a lot
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By tridaak
#197115 After placing it down and changing the setting, think you just right click in survival mode to change ownership to server. (IDK if it works with right click in creative mode, but you can try)
When you do it, a message should appear saying something along the lines of, pokeloot ownership changed to server.
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By TheBantersaurus
#197156 thanks for the help but that didn't work either. The problem is the grief prevention plugin we use not like pixelmon containers. The same problem happens with pokegifts and fossil displays too. wonder what plugins we could use instead but alas, i am but a lowly admin with no file perms so i cant do much anyway xD
Maybe I can convince Lord Rysing to update his plugin <3
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By Varijon
#197157 It is a griefprevention thing. The problem is that users don't have permission to "break" the pixelmon loot when looting them.
Try these flags: ... 1/1123/560

The fossil thing might be what this in the upcoming changelog is referring to:
"Fixed Fossil duplication issue "

Don't forget to set those as default for both admin and basic claim (else people can do the same stuff elsewhere)